The best waste is the waste that never exist.
Together, let´s extend the life of our garments!

Welcome to the Agustina Garment Repair Program!
*Valid only in Peru*

We aim to help you keep your garments in perfect condition so you can enjoy them for a long time. Our repair program is designed to offer practical and sustainable solutions for your care and maintenance needs.

How It Works

  1. Initial Evaluation:

    • Contact our customer service team via  and provide a description of the damage along with clear photos of the garment.
    • Our team will evaluate the problem and provide you with an estimated quote and the time required for the repair.
  2. Sending the Garment:

    • If you decide to proceed, we will send you a shipping guide so you can send the garment to our facilities.
    • Ensure the garment is clean before sending it.
  3. Repair:

    • Once received, our team will carry out the necessary repairs. We will keep you informed of the progress throughout the process.
  4. Return:

    • Once the repair is completed, we will send the garment back to you along with a detailed report of the repairs made.
    • We will provide additional care recommendations for the repaired garment.

Types of Repairs Offered

  • Worn Seams: Repair and reinforcement of seams to prevent future tears.

  • Damaged Embroidery: Restoration of embroidery using original techniques and materials.

  • Fabric Wear: Patches and reinforcements in worn areas to extend the garment's life.

  • Buttons and Zippers: Replacement of buttons and repair of damaged zippers.

  • Minor Alterations: Size adjustments and minor modifications to improve fit and comfort.

Benefits of Our Program

  • Sustainability: By repairing instead of discarding, you contribute to reducing textile waste and caring for the environment.

  • Cultural Preservation: Each repair keeps the artisanal and cultural tradition of our garments alive.

  • Economy: Repairing is a more economical option than buying a new garment, and it keeps your favorite item in use.

Thank you for choosing to care for and extend the life of your garments with Agustina!

This program not only facilitates the care of your garments but also promotes a responsible and sustainable attitude towards fashion. Join us in this initiative and together, let’s continue preserving culture and the environment!